A spam filter is a software app that stops undesirable messages from reaching a given inbox. A significant percentage of the email traffic around the globe involves spam emails: offers for pills or money, sham bank notifications, etc. Because of this, it’s very important to set up filters in order to avoid not only spam emails, but also any chance of being scammed in some way. Filters detect different things, so as to provide better safety – certain words and phrases or the frequency with which they appear in the text, the sender’s email address, or the IP of the sender’s outbound SMTP email server. Hosting providers often make use of the services of third-party spam-monitoring organizations that provide up-to-the-minute databases to make spam filtering easier and more efficient without affecting genuine email messages, even if they comprise suspicious words or phrases.

Spam Filters in Shared Web Hosting

If you decide to host your domains with us and you pick any of our Linux shared web hosting, you’ll be able to set up anti-spam protection for any mailbox that you create. With a few mouse clicks in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you can configure 5 different levels of protection. If you continue to receive spam messages or the spam filters start preventing authentic email messages from reaching your mailbox, you can change the level just as easily. The quality of our anti-spam solution is guaranteed by one of the most famous filters – SpamAssassin. In case you do not want to risk omitting an authentic message that may be flagged as spam owing to its content, you can also create custom filters based on the body, the subject or the sender of the email message and redirect the emails to a different email account where you can read them later.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you get a semi-dedicated server package from our company and if you create one or more email addresses with any of the domains hosted in your account, you will be able to activate the advanced, 5-level SpamAssassin filter that we offer and keep all unwanted emails away from your inbox. This feature is accessible through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section and it can be enabled or disabled for any mailbox whenever you want. You can also alter the level of protection with a few mouse clicks in case junk email messages continue to appear in your inbox or the anti-spam filter begins deleting genuine emails. As you can choose whether the spam should be deleted momentarily or forwarded to a separate email address, you can create spam@domain.com, for instance, and check all filtered emails there, so as to ensure that you will not omit an email message that you need. The email messages that the spam filter allows to proceed will still be received in your inbox.