USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

We are collaborating with a world-class data center facility located at the center of Chicago, Illinois. It has all the conditions that we want to install our modified internal network with its unique hardware setup. The data center has an excellent help crew working day and night keep an eye on the server network and supply timely assistance in critical situations.

It’s also important to note that the USA based datacenter provides superb network connectivity with the world. This warranties the best web site loading rates for all sites and web applications working on our US Linux semi-dedicated servers.

USA Data Center

Increased MySQL queries

Host busy MySQL tables without problems

In addition to significantly greater CPU quotas, the Linux semi-dedicated servers come with a large amount of allotted MySQL queries. This will help you accommodate much more resource-intensive web applications and web sites without having to stress about any possible service interruptions.

Naasei Web Hosting Services’s Linux semi-dedicated servers include diverse amounts of MySQL queries, so you can select the configuration that fits your present and upcoming database processing requirements.

Increased MySQL queries

Hosting Control Panel

Control your sites with a single click of your mouse

It’s now a piece of cake to maintain your sites with the next–generation Application Installer that we’ve made exclusively for you with ease of usage into account. Manage your data with effortless drag’n’drop activities, register, transfer and take control of a variety of domains from 1 place, make mail accounts straight away, operate email list activities effortlessly, create and edit your databases with a mouse–click, control site statistics in real time, and much more). Advanced programs such as a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection application are enclosed as well.

Hosting Control Panel

Increased CPU quotas

Considerably more power for your web applications and sites

A semi-dedicated server has been created to provide you with much more resources as compared to a shared hosting package, yet in a similar user friendly package without any server management required. And since on a semi-dedicated server you’ll find less people than on a shared hosting server, this implies not merely considerably more assets for your web sites but additionally improved stability for your online presence.

Naasei Web Hosting Services’s Linux semi-dedicated servers include higher CPU usage allocations, rendering them a fantastic option for your resource-consuming sites and applications.

Increased CPU quotas

Faster Performance

Very fast data transfer rates for all of your sites

We have enhanced the system bandwidth to as much as ten Gbits in order to guarantee superior online connectivity plus lightning–fast data transfer rates for your websites. Also, we have put in additional servers so as to simplify server upkeep operations and to reduce website downtimes. Our semi-dedicated hosting are reinforced by NVMe hard drives, which have shown to be considerably faster and more stable than the standard hard drives.

Faster Performance

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Security–increased Linux–based servers

Our servers are based on a security–enhanced Linux version, which makes them very trustworthy and dependable. We have used up a large amount of time and hard work in constructing a protected system that can survive substantial hacker or denial–of–service intrusions without causing disruptions to the website hosting platform and threatening your site’s performance.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Remote MySQL Access

Distant MySQL connections

Configuring a remote database link generally is complicated with other hosting providers. However, at Naasei Web Hosting Services, we have made the task pretty simple – all you have to do is designate the IP of the hostname you would like to grant admittance to a database then our intelligent system will do the rest. A remote MySQL connection may be truly useful if you want to share a data base among numerous sites.

Remote MySQL Access

Web Accelerators

A quick method to quicken up your web pages and web apps

The Site Accelerator Instruments (Node.js, Memcached and Varnish) an integral part of the Application Installer, will considerably increase the speed of your powerful web pages. They’re made to cache the data on your web sites and thus cut down the amount of queries to the database web server or the Application Programming Interface (API). This will help your websites load much faster than ever before and will make it easier to bring more happy customers, which, in turn means very low bounce levels.

Web Accelerators