The term e-mail forwarding refers to an e-mail being forwarded from a recipient address to a third-party address which is not listed as a recipient. For example, a client sends out an email from their private mail box to and as much as they are involved, this is the only recipient. If there is an active forwarding, the message can be forwarded to, for instance, although the customer never meant the e-mail to be sent there and may not be aware about the existence of this mail box. There are several purposes for using such forwarding. For example, if you've got several e-mail addresses you are able to forward each of them to a one email address, which will make checking e-mails less difficult and allows you to collect emails and respond to them on time. The function can also be used if a number of people should receive a copy of an e-mail message sent to a general mail box.

E-mail Forwarding in Shared Web Hosting

It really is simple to configure forwarding for any e-mail set up inside a shared web hosting account with our company. This can be achieved either while you create a brand new e-mail address through your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or at any moment later because the forwarding may be enabled and deactivated for any active email address with only a few clicks. It is also possible to decide if a backup of the incoming emails will be maintained on our servers, which is a really practical feature. This will be a fail-safe in case that the remote email address is not available for whatever reason, not mentioning that you will have always a copy of all of the e-mails. If this option is not enabled for a given e-mail on our end, an incoming message will be received and sent forward, so no record of it will remain on our server. In case the remote email address is inaccessible temporarily, you'll lose this email.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Forwarding an email address located on our servers can be very straightforward in case you have a semi-dedicated server plan with us and will also not require you more than a few clicks to set up. You can do this in the Emails part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and you'll be able to keep track of the email addresses which are being forwarded and where the messages will be sent with a glance. The feature can be activated and deactivated for any of the mailboxes in your account. You can also enable or disable a handy option we have - a backup of the messages being sent through our servers can stay on the server. In this way, you'll always have a backup of your incoming messages and you'll not need to worry about loss of any information. If you keep this option deactivated, you risk losing emails if there's an issue with the remote email address.